Can you pick the winning lottery numbers?


Let’s start by saying there is no right or wrong way to pick your lottery numbers. As the hipsters say in the socials – let you be you!

But in the interests of fun, and hopefully a winning pick of the numbers, we are going to take you through some interesting ways in which people select their lucky numbers.

Science it!

It goes to reason that since lotteries are a set of numbers drawn at random then getting the science on is a great way to start.

Some lottery winners, such as Stefan Mandel used applied mathematics to statistically work out ways to try and predict the winning combinations.

By buying all possible number combos when the pot was big enough, Mandel worked out a method where he thought science could get him in front of the possibilities.

But without having enough money to buy all the combinations the reality of his winning came to the basic we all have with lotteries – a good dose of luck!

In similar vein, Richard Lustig came up with a method which he claimed helped him win the lottery 7 times. However, if you want to find out what it is then, we’re afraid, you’re going to have to buy his book.

Number Frequency

A different take on the sciencing method is used by people who take their number frequency seriously. Many have been known to make charts to try and find patterns or numbers that crop up more than would be statistically expected.

It is a bit like watching those people at the roulette tables with their pens and paper taking note of all the last numbers to get a rhythm of what may be happening or going on.

But while we love any way that people can select the winning lottery numbers – a word to the wise,  this takes a great deal of effort and you would have to check records stretching quite a way back.

However, anything than gets you a little bit in front to win a prize is a good option so all those people who uses this method and get a win is doing well in our view.

Play it again Sam!

Another method folks swear by, is using the same numbers for every lottery game they play. We don’t know if it works or not, but presumably the logic is that they have to be drawn at some stage.

But how people get to their set of numbers is the fun bit!

As you would expect, many of us have a love or downright belief towards those numbers that have special significance for us. Wife’s birthday, anniversaries, kids’ ages, date of birth etc. Get them down, make them your favourites and play them (again Sam!).

The benefits of these numbers are that you are unlikely to forget them and if you win they have a great back-story and meaning for you. In numbers we trust!

Our own Random Number Generator

Another way we hear of is randomly asking people. True. It’s a great icebreaker at a party or gathering, and you never know what great friendships might spring from it.

Some people randomly throw darts at a dartboard to generate numbers. Others throw two dice.

For the musically inclined, there is even a way of selecting numbers by using a song. You pick a common word like ‘love’ or ‘baby’ and see how many times it pops up in your favourite songs. And that’s your number.

One of our favourites is the simple, “taking numbers from the world around you,” approach.

As you go about your day, just jot down the numbers you see on buildings, buses, prices in windows etc. Then just use them for your pick.

A variation of this is picking “cold numbers,” or numbers you think are long overdue for an appearance.

Certain people swear by only picking numbers above 31. Why? Because they think that birthday dates are the most common source of number picks, and so by avoiding them, they have more chance of winning.


Who are we to say what’s the best way as it’s your call as to what numbers you pick, and how and where you pick them. We just want you to pick the winning numbers and buy a ticket through us! No better way than all of us to be winners.

But before you go off and start counting tea leaves or the number of times you see the words conspiracy theory in your facebook feed, there’s one other winning pick we want to tell you about.


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 Then rush out into the garden and count the number of rooks flying westwards at sunset or however else it is you pick your numbers. is licensed and regulated by the Northern Territory Government of Australia for Australian customers (For full details of’s Regulatory Body please see T&Cs Apply) and has more than 1,000,000 players. Think! About your choices. Gamble Responsibly. Call Gambling Help on 1800 858 858. does not accept customers from South Australia.
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